Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

2022, Event I Ed. Programme Xuventude Mentoring
Closing Event I Edition of the Xuventude Mentoring Programme
Xuventude Mentoring

Last Saturday, 26th March, the Ciudad da Cultura hosted the Closing Event and the distribution of diplomas for the I Edition of the Xuventude Mentoring Programme.

Xuventude Mentoring is a pioneering comprehensive training and mentoring Programme launched in 2021 by the Regional Ministry of Social Policy in collaboration with CIXUG and the three Galician universities, co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The first edition of the programme welcomed around 200 young people with university or professional training degrees, who were offered a personalised job search guidance service, specific training to develop abilities and skills that are key to the world of employment, attendance at events and visits to companies to improve employability and increase the young people's network of contacts, as well as the possibility of obtaining support and advice from a mentor with whom to develop capacities and learn, from their extensive experience, about the area of employment in which they are interested.

This Programme involved not only young people but also a total of 146 professionals who played the role of mentors and 20 collaborating entities that contributed to the Programme with mentors, dissemination, the organisation and execution of the so-called " Xornadas de networking", as well as other actions.

The event began at 10 am, with more than 100 people in attendance, including programme participants, mentors and representatives of the collaborating entities, the vice-rectors of the 3 Galician universities, the Director-General for Youth, Participation and Volunteering and the Regional Minister for Social Policy, among others.

The Regional Minister, Fabiola García, was in charge of opening the event, thanking all the participants and collaborators, emphasising the achievements, highlighting that "60% of the young participants found a job or continued their training", and announcing good news, such as the realisation of not one but two new editions of the Programme.

During the event, attendees enjoyed videos in which mentors and participants recounted their personal experiences in the programme. A total of 3 round tables accompanied these videos; in one of them, three participants, together with their mentors, told live and direct how they lived those mentoring sessions, where some " crushes " took place.

The rest of the round tables allowed telling personally what Xuventude Mentoring meant to the representatives of the collaborating entities and, of course, to the tutors of the Programme, who were the support that the young participants had from the first moment.

The event ended with the distribution of diplomas, by Fabiola García and Cristina Pichel, to both participants and mentors, and with a final session in which attendees could enjoy breakfast while reuniting with familiar faces and expanding their network of contacts.

Foto evento Cidade da Cultura, Equipo, 800

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