Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

2022, Registration deadline for 2nd semester courses
The registration period for the different courses on offer for the second half of 2022 is now open.
Oficina de software libre

The CIXUG, in collaboration with the three universities and the Axencia para a modernización tecnolóxica de Galicia (AMTEGA) promotes the training of the personnel of the Galician universities. Therefore, continuing with the training actions of the first semester of 2022, the registration period for the different courses of the second semester is open.

Part of the course calendar for the second half of the year will be made up of new editions of courses that have already been given and which the CIXUG feels it is necessary to repeat in order to meet the demand for them.

The other part of this calendar will be composed of courses that integrate new training areas, such as the use of LaTeX Open Source Software, training courses in Python or Spring, as well as the repetition of some training that was included as a novelty last year and which was very well received by university personnel.

The same added-value strategy will continue, where courses will have live videoconferences with the trainer to resolve doubts and go deeper into specific topics of the course or to carry out joint activities related to the training.

All the information on these courses is available to the three universities' PAS and PDI training units, which are already disseminating the calls for applications and managing the personnel interested in the different courses. It is also published and available in the Training section of the CIXUG website.

Amtega, Nuevo

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