Datas, Horarios e Sesións
Data Inicio
Data Peche
Tipos Formación
Datas e horarios
Número Webinars
Enlace ao curso
Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral
Necesidades a cubrir
Medios necesarios
Datos persoal Formador e Titor
Persoal formador
Empresa contratada
Infographics are a way of representing information visually, in which the combination of images, diagrams, and text summarise or figuratively explain ideas and concepts.
During the course, we will use Inkscape, an open-source multiplatform application released under the GNU GPL license. This application is freely available for download at the following URL: https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-1.1.2/.
In the course, you will find notes, videos and exercises to learn and start mastering infographics.
Competencias a desenvolver
- Knowing and using tools for the creation of graphics and digital images.
- Handling the Inkscape outline.
- Locate and obtain images ethically and legally to complement graphic compositions.
- Create or modify visual compositions and adapt them to our projects.
- To be aware of the basic concepts of colour, composition, and scene for creating infographics and complex compositions.
- Improve the quality of any digital work.
Each topic consists of a theoretical part detailing the procedures for working with the different Inkscape options. At the end of each topic, there is a self-assessment test.
The platform measures the connection time of each participant, a criterion that will be taken into account:
- Participation (10 hours of connection at least).
- Continuous assessment using: tests, consultation in forums, etc.
- Possibility of a final test.
1. Introduction (2 hours)
- Open source and non-open source graphic software.
- Obtaining and installing.
- Types of images and uses.
- Graphic interface.
- Graphic interface and Inkscape.
- Obtaining legal graphic resources.
2. Basic Vectorial Design (6 hours)
- Basic handling of objects.
- Shapes, properties and transformations.
- Z order and layers.
- Texts and calligraphy.
- Fills, gradients and strokes.
- Copying, duplicating and cloning.
3. Knots and strokes (6 hours)
- Transformations to strokes.
- Boolean operations.
- Handling of knots.
- Vectorisation.
4. Infographics (3 hours)
- Meaning and search for information.
- Aesthetic composition and proportion.
- Tips and tricks for an illustrator.
- Examples and complete works.
5. Additional effects and filters (3 hours)
- Filters.
- Extensions.
- Pixart.
- Interpolation.
- More artistic effects.