Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

314, Turnitin, Proc. Upload Documents (New)

Documents to be processed

Procedure for uploading documents
(New procedure) 03/10/2023

For instructors / PDI / PAS

  • Choose the class where you want to incorporate a document
  • Write down the “Class Number” (39192121 in the example)
  • Go to “Edit” to identify which is the key to enter the class
  • Enter the “Registration key”: (In the example: “1234”)
  • The instructor has to modify a parameter in the exercise where he wants to upload the document.
  • In the “Actions” column, select “More actions” and locate the “Edit configuration” option.
  • This step is done only once before you want to upload multiple documents.
  • To be able to upload several documents in the same exercise, the instructor must go to select “Optional configuration”.
  • Scroll down to the option: “Generate Similarity Reports for student submissions” and select “
    Immediately (you can rewrite the reports until the delivery deadline)”.
  • This option will allow you to upload several documents with the same student role in a single exercise. 
  • Now, the instructor has to change his profile to “Student”.
  • Go to the “Enroll in a Class” menu option
  • Enter both the class number and the password.
  • The instructor will now have access to the class as a student:
  • If you click on the name of the class, the following image will appear with the data of the exercises associated with that class:
  • If you now click on the “Send” option, you will be able to upload the document as you did before as an instructor
  • To review the result of the similarity identification process you must change the menu option “Student” back to “Instructor”.
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