Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

240127, USC, DaVinci Resolve Course
2da Edición
DaVinci Resolve Basic Course


30 horas


Aporte Universidades


Persoal PAS, Persoal PDI










Datas, Horarios e Sesións

Data Inicio


Data Peche


Tipos Formación

Formación Online
Aula virtual (Webinars)

Datas e horarios

Grupo PAS, luns e mércores, 10:00 a 12:00
Grupo PDI, luns e mércores, 12:00 a 14:00

Número Webinars


Enlace ao curso

Enlace non requirido ou non creado o curso na plataforma de formación.

Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral

Necesidades a cubrir

To familiarise students with the basic DaVinci Resolve environment and tools.


Previous image and video knowledge is desirable but no previous video editing experience is required. Windows operating system: Windows 10, minimum 16GB RAM, 4GB GPU and the latest version of CUDA. MAC OS: Mojave, minimum 16GB RAM, 4GB external video card, processors above 2.7, if possible 5, and CUDA version


10 live sessions in the form of 2-hour videoconferences and use of the CIXUG virtual classroom:

Medios necesarios

Computer equipment equipped with webcam and microphone, with internet access.

Datos persoal Formador e Titor

Persoal formador

Xurxo Senra

Empresa contratada

ACME Formación Galicia S.L.




DaVinci Resolve is a free and increasingly popular software solution for industry professionals that works with any editing software. DaVinci Resolve is the only solution on the market that combines professional tools for editing, colour grading, visual effects compositing, graphic animation and audio mixing in a single program.

The course will be divided into two groups of 15 people each, in which through 20 hours of online sessions divided into 10 live videoconferences and 10 hours of independent work, the student will be able to acquire the basic notions to be able to start creating professional video projects with this tool.

Competencias a desenvolver

  • Gain basic knowledge and understanding of the DaVinci Resolve environment and basic tools.
  • Learn editing, colour grading and post-production techniques.
  • Be able to create professional video projects


The course will be divided into 10 two-hour videoconference sessions in which theoretical and practical concepts of the tool will be included, either learning how to use the tool, useful examples, or exercises...

In addition to the 10 sessions through the Zoom platform, students will have access to the Moodle application in which the proposed evaluable activities will be uploaded and find both the course documentation and access to forums or other types of instant messaging to contact the trainer.

At the end of the course, a final project will be carried out in which all that has been learnt and the knowledge acquired will be demonstrated.

Attendance may also be another valuable point.

These sessions will be held as follows:

  • Group 1, PAS staff, Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 to 12:00
  • Group 2, PDI staff, Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:00 to 14:00
    • 1st session Wednesday 2 October
    • 2nd session Monday 7 October
    • 3rd session Wednesday 9 October
    • 4th session Monday 14 October
    • 5th meeting Wednesday 16 October
    • 6th meeting Monday, 21 October
    • 7th meeting Wednesday, 23 October
    • 8th meeting Monday, 28 October
    • 9th meeting Wednesday, 30 October
    • 10th meeting Monday, 4 November


1.- We configure the keyboard
2.- What is a multi-camera
3.- Synchronisation and creation of multi-camera clips
4.- Setting up the multi-camera
5.- The freeze frame
6.- Reframing the shots
7.- Editing to music
8.- Titles from Photoshop
9.- A studio multi-camera

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