Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

230106, UDC, GIMP 2nd Ed.
2da Edición
Creating and processing images and photos with GIMP


24 horas


Aporte Universidades


Persoal PAS, Persoal PDI










Datas, Horarios e Sesións

Data Inicio


Data Peche


Tipos Formación

Formación Online
Aula virtual (Webinars)

Datas e horarios

x definir

Número Webinars


Enlace ao curso

Enlace non requirido ou non creado o curso na plataforma de formación.

Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral

Necesidades a cubrir

The aim of this course is for participants to acquire the basic notions and skills for image processing, from retouching or editing images to creating them from scratch in a new composition with free forms, so that they acquire not only basic notions about editing programmes, but also specific aspects of graphic design.


Basic office skills: essential use of word processors or spreadsheets, file management (copy, move, delete, rename files) and essential interaction with any desktop operating system.


Online training through the CIXUG Virtual Classroom:

Medios necesarios

A computer with Internet access.

Datos persoal Formador e Titor

Persoal formador

Óscar Fernández Carballo

Empresa contratada

Óscar Fernández Carballo




The creation and manipulation of images are the most common tasks in digital creative processes. The aim of this course is for participants to acquire the basic notions and skills for image processing, from retouching or editing them to creating them from scratch in a new composition with free forms, so that they acquire not only basic notions about editing programmes, but also specific aspects of graphic design.
Work will be done mainly with GIMP, although there will be references to other image editing programmes, which, like GIMP, are also open-source software, such as Krita, Scribus and Inkscape, among others. Above all, the aim is to get the user used to the particular interface of Gimp while at the same time reviewing the most common tools and the fundamental concepts necessary to be able to understand any documentation, workshop or subsequent tutorial on these programmes.

Competencias a desenvolver

  1. Knowing the central systems and models that form the basis of digital systems for creating digital graphics.
  2. To know, obtain and train in using digital tools to create and treat images.
  3. Know the working environments of image editing and their tools and options in detail.
  4. To locate and obtain images ethically and legally to complement our graphic compositions.
  5. Distinguish between different types of images and know their most appropriate use.
  6. Create or modify any image to combine it in any project.
  7. To be aware of the basic concepts of colour to be able to choose one colour mode or another when tackling a project.


Own web resources, such as wikis and educational environments, will serve as a repository of information and be used to resolve doubts through forums and electronic messaging.
There will be four voluntary videoconferences of approximately 1 hour through the Zoom platform, in which doubts and other aspects and dynamics will be raised and solved.


Introduction (2 hours)

  • Introduction to digital publishing
  • Free culture and Creative Commons
  • Standard image formats
  • Image and colour basics
  • Obtaining image editing software
  • Accessing legal free resources

Getting started (7 hours)

  • Basic editing tasks
    1. Capture
    2. Scale
    3. Compress
    4. Crop
    5. Straighten
    6. Levels and colours
    7. Colour modes
    8. Red eyes
  • Layers: Manipulation, floating, transform, blend

Painting and selecting (6 hours)

  • Painting tools: brushes, can, gradations...
  • Cloning and repairing
  • Selection tools
  • Solving frequent problems

Colour treatment, transformations and filters (5 hours)

  • Texts
  • Transformations: alignment and perspective
  • Colour tools: histograms and curves
  • Layer mask
  • Filters
  • Other image-processing applications
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