Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

220068, OSL, LaTeX, Mª José, Paula and Alejandro
1ra Edición
Introduction to scientific text editing with LaTeX
Amtega, Nuevo


10 horas


Convenio Amtega


Persoal PDI













Datas, Horarios e Sesións

Data Inicio


Data Peche


Tipos Formación

Formación Online
Aula virtual (Webinars)

Datas e horarios

Luns, 09:00 a 11:30
Martes, 09:00 a 11:30
Mércores, 09:00 a 11:30
Xoves, 09:00 a 11:30

Número Webinars


Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral

Necesidades a cubrir

This course aims to provide scientific personnel with the knowledge of the essential elements of mathematical text editing for the elaboration of scientific documents under the LaTeX environment, such as articles, reports and books.


No previous knowledge of LaTeX is required.


Live sessions through the Zoom platform as well as online content in the CIXUG Virtual Classroom:

Medios necesarios

Computer with any operating system (Windows, macOS or Linux), browser (to use Overleaf as a LaTeX editor), Internet access, webcam, headset and microphone. During the live sessions, the webcam must be activated to ensure the registered person's participation. The videoconferencing platform to be used will be accessible via a free profile.

Datos persoal Formador e Titor

Persoal formador

Paula S., Alejandro S. e María José G.

Empresa contratada




In this course, you will learn how to write a scientific document in LaTeX from scratch through practical examples that allow you to learn from the most basic fundamentals to the advanced options of this language. LaTeX is a text composition system that creates written documents with high typographic quality. Due to its characteristics and possibilities, it is used especially intensively in the writing of scientific articles and books that include, among other elements, mathematical expressions.

Competencias a desenvolver

  • Know the essential elements for the edition of mathematical texts.
  • Primary use of LaTeX for editing mathematical texts: the creation of tables, handling of figures, formulas and equations...
  • Use of LaTeX in the preparation of scientific documents.
  • Use of LaTeX in the elaboration of scientific presentations.


Each module describes the main procedures for elaborating scientific documents (articles, theses, presentations,...) using LaTeX. The student will have theoretical notes based on examples and practical cases. In addition, live sessions will be developed through a videoconference platform (MS Teams, Zoom or similar), where students will be able to follow the explanations and indications given by the teaching staff. During each live session, practical exercises will be provided for students to carry out. At the end of the course, there will be a final test to evaluate the contents.

Both the e-learning platform and the videoconference platform measure the connection time of each participant. This criterion will be taken into account at the time of the final evaluation:

  • Participation in live sessions and connection time (minimum 10 hours) - 10%.
  • Tasks carried out during the live sessions - 70%.
  • Final test (in line) - 20%.


Module 1. Preliminaries
Module 2. Text processing
Module 3. Introduction to LATEX: commands and styles
Module 4. Introduction to LATEX: more commands and formatting and text aspects
Module 5. Introduction to LATEX: figures and tables
Module 6. Introduction to LATEX: equations and formulas
Module 7. Tips for creating presentations
Module 8. Presentations with LATEX and Beamer
Module 9. Advanced Presentations
Module 10. Bibliography with LATEX and BibTeX

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