Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

2023, Extension inscription 3rd Ed. Xuventude Mentoring
The registration period for the third edition of the Xuventude Mentoring programme has been extended.
Xuventude Mentoring

The registration period for the 3rd edition of the Xuventude Mentoring programme has been extended until Friday 17th March.

On February 10th the deadline for sending applications for the new edition of the Xuventude Mentoring Programme was opened. This was established until the 10th of March, but it was decided to extend it for another week to allow as many young people as possible to benefit from the programme.

Young people between 18 and 30 years of age who are registered and beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System and who have completed a university degree or master's degree, advanced vocational training or advanced studies in special education at a school in Galicia (see exceptions in the terms and conditions of the programme) can register for the third edition of the programme until Friday 17 March, with an offer for this edition of 250 participants.

Xuventude Mentoring is a comprehensive educational and mentoring programme promoted by the Conselleria de Política Social of the Xunta de Galicia in collaboration with the Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria (CIXUG), an entity composed by the three Galician universities, to support and guide young people in their transition to working life after finishing their studies.

This programme is 80% co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Youth Employment Operational Programme, for the period 2014-2020, in the priority axis 1B, investment priority 8.2, specific objective 8.2.1, measure

Xuventude Mentoring is structured in 4 large blocks of actions that will take place between April and June:

  • Counselling and support by CIXUG's team of female and male tutors, who are responsible for providing guidance, support and personalised improvement of the skills and abilities of the beneficiaries with a focus on improving and obtaining employment. This assistance will be provided throughout the entire duration of the beneficiary's participation in the programme.
  • Training activities that will help young people extend their knowledge and develop their competence profile include obligatory and voluntary contents, which will be delivered face-to-face, blended or telematically.
  • Mentoring with professionals from the Galician area in charge of guiding, network building and providing participants with a vision of what the labour market is actually like and how they can face it. Each participant will be assigned a mentor, who is an expert and knowledgeable in their sector of interest, and who will offer guidance and advice in their job search.
  • Networking activities and company visits that will improve employability and the network of contacts.

Registration for the 3rd edition of Xuventude Mentoring will be carried out telematically through a form:

Application form III Edition

For more information about the Programme and the rules of the call for applications, please consult the Xuventude Mentoring website.

Logo Mentoring

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