Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

220049, MS, Azure Administrator
1ra Edición
AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator


30 horas


Aporte Universidades


Persoal TIC














Datas, Horarios e Sesións

Data Inicio


Data Peche


Tipos Formación

Aula virtual (Webinars)

Datas e horarios

Luns, 09:00 a 15:00
Martes, 09:00 a 15:00
Mércores, 09:00 a 15:00
Xoves, 09:00 a 15:00
Venres, 09:00 a 15:00

Número Webinars


Enlace ao curso

Enlace non requirido ou non creado o curso na plataforma de formación.

Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral

Necesidades a cubrir

This course is aimed at students with experience in operating systems, virtualisation, cloud infrastructure, storage structures and networking.


Have course AZ-900: Microsoft: Azure Fundamentals. Have prior knowledge of the following concepts: virtualisation technologies such as virtual machines, virtual networks and virtual hard disks, network configuration including TCP/IP, domain name system (DNS), virtual private networks (VPN), firewalls and encryption technologies, Active Directory including domains, domain controllers, replication, Kerberos and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and resiliency and disaster recovery including backup and restore operations.


Five sessions of 6 hours in Live Virtual Class mode.

Medios necesarios

A computer with Internet access.

Datos persoal Formador e Titor

Persoal formador

x definir

Empresa contratada




This official Microsoft course teaches IT professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, manage infrastructure, configure virtual networks, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, deploy storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, deploy web applications and containers, backup and share data, and monitoring solutions.

Azure administrators manage cloud services spanning storage, networking and cloud computing competencies with a deep understanding of each service across the entire lifecycle of an IT service. They receive end-user requests for new cloud applications and make recommendations on which services to use to optimise performance and scaling and perform provisioning, sizing, monitoring, and tuning as needed.

Competencias a desenvolver

Upon completion of the course, the learner will have acquired the following knowledge/skills:

  • Protect identities with Azure Active Directory and deploy users and groups.
  • Manage subscriptions and accounts, implement Azure policies and use role-based access control.
  • Tools an Azure administrator uses to manage an infrastructure: Azure Portal, Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, CLI and Resource Manager.
  • Virtual networking basics include virtual networks and subnets, IP addressing, network security groups, Azure Firewall and Azure DNS.
  • Site-to-site connectivity features: VNet Peering, Virtual Network Gateways and Site-to-Site Connections.
  • Network traffic strategies: Network routing and service endpoints, Azure Load Balancer, Azure Application Gateway and Traffic Manager.
  • Storage basics: Storage accounts, blob storage, Azure file and file sync, storage security and storage tools.
  • Azure Virtual Machines: Planning, creation, availability and extensions.
  • Manage serverless computing functions: Azure App Service, Azure Container Instances and Kubernetes.
  • Backing up files and folders and backing up virtual machines.
  • Monitor an Azure infrastructure: Azure Monitor, alerts and log analysis.


30-hour course taught in Live Virtual Class format in which you will deepen in the management of cloud services covering storage, networking and cloud computing competencies with a deep knowledge of each service along the whole life cycle of an IT service.


Module 1: Identity

  • Azure Active Directory
  • Users and groups

Lab: Managing Azure Active Directory identities

Module 2: Governance and compliance

  • Subscriptions and accounts
  • Azure policies
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)

Lab: Managing subscriptions and RBAC

Lab: Managing governance through Azure policies

Module 3: Azure administration

  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure Portal and Cloud Shell
  • Azure PowerShell and CLI
  • ARM Templates

Lab: Managing Azure resources using Azure Portal

Lab: Managing Azure resources using ARM templates

Lab: Managing Azure resources using Azure PowerShell

Lab: Managing Azure resources using Azure CLI

Module 4: Virtual networking

  • Virtual networking
  • IP addressing
  • Network security groups
  • Azure Firewall
  • Azure DNS

Lab: Implementing virtual networks

Module 5: Site-to-site connectivity

  • VNet Peering
  • VPN gateway connections
  • ExpressRoute and virtual WAN

Lab: Implementing cross-site connectivity

Module 6: Network traffic management

  • Network routing and endpoints
  • Azure Load Balancer
  • Azure Application Gateway

Lab: Implementing Traffic Management

Module 7: Azure Storage

  • Storage Accounts
  • Blob Storage
  • Storage Security
  • Azure Files and File Sync
  • Storage Management

Lab: Managing Azure Storage

Module 8: Azure Virtual Machines (VMs)

  • Planning VMs
  • VM creation
  • VM availability
  • VM extensions

Lab: Managing VMs

Module 9: Serverless Computing

  • Azure App Service Plans
  • Azure App Service
  • Container Services
  • Azure Kubernetes Service

Lab: Implementing Web Apps

Lab: Implementing Azure Container Instances

Lab: Implementing Azure Kubernetes Service

Module 10: Data protection

  • Backing up files and folders
  • Backing up virtual machines

Lab: Implementing data protection

Module 11: Monitoring

  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Alerts
  • Log Analytics
  • Network Watcher

Lab: Implementing monitoring

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